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Document: Description: Sort by date
Basic file and folder examples Basic file and folder examples showing how you can select, copy, delete, rename, create files and folders. 2005-12-28
Create new folders This function can determine if a folder exists, and also create any missing folders 2005-04-26
Determine if a file is in use With this function you can determine if a file already is in use by another user or process. 2000-02-04
File names and folder names This function can be used to return the file name or the folder name from a full file name. 2000-02-04
How to open a file from VBA Use the Shell-command to open files, find the associated executable that will open a file 2004-05-13
List files in a folder with Microsoft Scripting Runtime Create a list of files in a folder, include files in sub-folders. 2000-02-04
List files in a folder with Office 95 or earlier In Office 95 or earlier you don't have the same easy approach to getting a list of filenames as in Office 97 or later. By creating 4 helpfunctions it's possible to get almost the same functionality. 2000-02-04
List files in a folder with Office 97 or later In Office 97 or later it's easy to get a list of filenames in a folder, included any files in subfolders. 2000-02-04
List folders and subfolders with Microsoft Scripting Runtime Create a list of folders, included sub-folders. 2005-01-28
Select file or folder names in Word Word has not got the method GetOpenFileName that can be used to let a user select a file name or a folder. You can instead use this user defined function. 2000-02-04
Select filenames Let the user select one or multiple files as input to your macros. 2004-05-05
Select folder names Let the user select a folder name as input for your macros. 2000-02-04
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