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Document: Description: Sort by date
Change the value/content of several UserForm-controls Example macros that shows how you can change the value/content of several UserForm-controls. 2000-02-05
Decide what an INPUTBOX is supposed to return Restrict the valid information that a user can type into an InputBox. 2000-02-05
Fill a ListBox with unique values from a worksheet Example macros that shows how you can fill a ListBox-control (and a ComboBox-control) in a UserForm with the unique values from worksheet range. 2000-02-05
Fill a ListBox-control with values from another workbook You can fill a ListBox-control with values from another workbook either using the RowSource property or this example macro. 2000-09-16
Prevent a UserForm from closing when the user clicks the x-button Use this macro example to prevent a UserForm from closing when the user clicks the x-button in the upper right corner of the UserForm. 2000-02-05
Return a userdefined cell reference from a dialog This example shows how you can let a user enter a cell reference in a custom dialog by selecting cells in a worksheet. 2000-02-05
Turn off warning messages How to avoid that the application ask the user for confirmations when a macro is running. 2000-02-05
Use listboxes with multiple choices How to determine which items are selected in listboxes with multiple choices. 2000-02-05
Use messageboxes How to use the MsgBox-function to interact with the user. 2000-02-05
Use the built-in dialogs in Excel It's not always necessary to invent everything on your own when you can use something that already exists. You have access to most of the built-in dialogs in Excel and the other applications in Office. 2000-02-05
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