ERLANDSEN DATA CONSULTING Excel & VBA Tips   Informasjon på norsk / Information in Norwegian

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These pages are no longer updated and are only available for archive purposes.

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Document: Description: Sort by date
COM addins (Office Developer Edition) General information about COM addins and how to create them. 1999-02-18
Create an addin in Excel5/95 How to create an addin for Excel5/95. 1999-04-15
Create an addin in Excel97 How to create an addin for Excel97 and later. 1999-04-15
How secure is the addin source code? You can protect your work by creating addins, but how secure are the result? 1999-04-15
What is an addin? Addins are used to distribute macros, userdefined functions or custom solutions to other users. 2001-04-07
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