These pages are no longer updated and are only available for archive purposes.Click here to visit the pages with updated information. Row and column background colorThe macros below can be used to set the background color of e.g. every other row or column in any worksheet range: Sub ShadeAlternateRows(rngTarget As Range, intColor As Integer, lngStep As Long) ' adds a background color = intColor to every lngStep rows in rngTarget ' example: ShadeAlternateRows Range("A1:D50"), 27, 2 ' colors every 2 rows light yellow Dim r As Long If rngTarget Is Nothing Then Exit Sub With rngTarget .Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone ' remove any previous shading For r = lngStep To .Rows.Count Step lngStep .Rows(r).Interior.ColorIndex = intColor Next r End With End Sub Sub ShadeAlternateColumns(rngTarget As Range, _ intColor As Integer, lngStep As Long) ' adds a background color = intColor to every lngStep column in rngTarget ' example: ShadeAlternateColumns Range("A1:J20"), 27, 2 ' colors every 2 columns light yellow Dim c As Long If rngTarget Is Nothing Then Exit Sub With rngTarget .Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone ' remove any previous shading For c = lngStep To .Columns.Count Step lngStep .Columns(c).Interior.ColorIndex = intColor Next c End With End Sub You can use select a worksheet range and select Format, Conditonal Formatting
and fill in the dialog like the example below to apply alternate background color to every
other row: You
can use select a worksheet range and select Format, Conditonal Formatting and
fill in the dialog like the example below to apply alternate background color to every other
Document last updated 2002-07-17 12:51:27 Printerfriendly version