These pages are no longer updated and are only available for archive purposes.Click here to visit the pages with updated information. Copy data from multiple workbooksThe macro below can be used to copy a cell range from one or all worksheets in one or more workbooks to a new workbook. Sub TestCopyDataFromMultipleWorkbooks() ' updated 2008-04-30 by OPE Dim varWorkbooks As Variant, wb As Workbook varWorkbooks = "Excel Workbooks (*.xl*),*.xl*,All Files (*.*),*.*" varWorkbooks = Application.GetOpenFilename(varWorkbooks, 1, _ "Select one or more workbooks to copy data from (Ctrl+A selects all items in the folder)", , True) If Not IsArray(varWorkbooks) Then Exit Sub ' the user cancelled the dialog With Application .ScreenUpdating = False .Cursor = xlWait End With Set wb = Workbooks.Add ' create the new report workbook ' the following line(s) must be customized for each copy task ' copy from one named worksheet: CopyDataFromMultipleWorkbooks wb.Worksheets(1), varWorkbooks, "Sheet1", "A1:D10" ' copy from the first (or another numbered) worksheet: 'CopyDataFromMultipleWorkbooks wb.Worksheets(1), varWorkbooks, 1, "A1:D10" ' copy from all worksheets: 'CopyDataFromMultipleWorkbooks wb.Worksheets(1), varWorkbooks, vbNullString, "A1:D10" wb.Activate Set wb = Nothing With Application .Cursor = xlDefault .StatusBar = False .ScreenUpdating = True End With End Sub Sub CopyDataFromMultipleWorkbooks(wsTarget As Worksheet, varWorkbooks As Variant, _ varWorksheet As Variant, strWorksheetRange As String) ' updated 2008-04-30 by OPE Dim r As Long, i As Long, wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet, rng As Range If wsTarget Is Nothing Then Exit Sub ' no target workbook ' assumes that wsTarget is a new unfiltered worksheet If Not IsArray(varWorkbooks) Then Exit Sub ' invalid input For i = LBound(varWorkbooks) To UBound(varWorkbooks) On Error Resume Next Set wb = Workbooks.Add(varWorkbooks(i)) ' try to open a copy of the workbook On Error GoTo 0 If Not wb Is Nothing Then With wb Application.StatusBar = "Copying information from " & varWorkbooks(i) & "..." If Len(varWorksheet) = 0 Then ' no worksheet name specified, copy from all worksheets For Each ws In .Worksheets With wsTarget ' find the next target row to paste the copied content ' the following line assumes that column A always is populated r = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1 End With On Error Resume Next Set rng = ws.Range(strWorksheetRange) If Not rng Is Nothing Then ' the range exists rng.Copy wsTarget.Range("A" & r) ' copy the source range to the target worksheet Set rng = Nothing End If On Error GoTo 0 Next ws Set ws = Nothing Else ' copy from one worksheet On Error Resume Next Set ws = wb.Worksheets(varWorksheet) On Error GoTo 0 If Not ws Is Nothing Then ' the worksheet exists With wsTarget ' find the next target row to paste the copied content ' the following line assumes that column A always is populated r = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1 End With On Error Resume Next Set rng = ws.Range(strWorksheetRange) If Not rng Is Nothing Then ' the range exists rng.Copy wsTarget.Range("A" & r) ' copy the source range to the target worksheet Set rng = Nothing End If On Error GoTo 0 Set ws = Nothing End If End If .Close False ' close the workbook copy without saving any changes Application.StatusBar = False End With Set wb = Nothing End If Next i ' next workbook End Sub
Document last updated 2008-04-30 22:33:25 Printerfriendly version