These pages are no longer updated and are only available for archive purposes.Click here to visit the pages with updated information. Prevent that an automacro/eventmacro executesIf you wish to open a workbook without running an Auto_Open-macro, you can do
this by holding the Shift-key down when you open the file. You can prevent an Auto_Close-macro to run by holding the Shift-key down when you close the workbook.. The same applies to all the other auto-macros, hold the Shift-key down to prevent them from running. In Excel 97 and later, events are used to run macros. Excel 97 and later will also recognize and run the older auto-macros if they exist. The eventmacros will run before the automacros, e.g. the Workbook_Open eventmacro will run before the Auto_Open-macro. In Excel 97 and later you can disable the eventmacros by adding this line to your code: Application.EnableEvents = False Remember to set the property back to True so that eventmacros are enabled again when you are finished.
Document last updated 1999-08-21 12:47:53 Printerfriendly version