These pages are no longer updated and are only available for archive purposes.Click here to visit the pages with updated information. Chart eventsEvents for the chart object occurs when the user activates or changes
a chart. Events in charts are activated by default, but can be deactivated by a macro. To
display the event procedures for a chart you use the Visual Basic editor.
Select the desired project in the Project-window and activate the chart
object you want by doubleclicking it. Any event procedures in the chart
will now be displayed in the Code-window on the right side of the screen.
You can create a new event procedure by selecting Chart in the Object
dropdown, and then select an event in the Procedure dropdown.
This example eventmacro will prevent the user from selecting and editing objects in a chart, the procedure must be written in the charts own module sheet, e.g. Chart1: Private Sub Chart_Select(ByVal ElementID As Long, _ ByVal Arg1 As Long, ByVal Arg2 As Long) ActiveChart.Deselect End Sub
Document last updated 1999-08-21 12:47:53 Printerfriendly version