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Control the screen updating

By turning off the screen updating your macros will run much faster. It will also prevent the disturbing flickering of screen pictures that can frighten inexperienced users. The following sentence will turn off the screen updating :

Application.Screenupdating = False

It's not necessary to turn on the screen updating. It will automatically turn on when the macro is finished. Sometimes you want to turn on the screen updating after you have turned it off, e.g. when you want to display a dialog or a message box to the user. The following sentence will turn on the screen updating :

Application.Screenupdating = True


Document last updated 1999-07-23 12:47:32      Printerfriendly version

User comments:
paul from the netherlands heemstede wrote (2005-12-23 12:31:18 CET):
screenupdating in forms
A very usefull tip, which works perfectly.
But doesn't work in forms ( freezing forms is in
special cases a usefull alternative)


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