These pages are no longer updated and are only available for archive purposes.Click here to visit the pages with updated information. Use the logical functionsMost users take advantage of the logical function IF(logical_test,if_true,if_false) to make Excel take a logical decision. If you want to perform more complex comparisions you can add the logical functions AND(), OR() and NOT() when you use the IF()-function. Here are some examples on how to use these functions : =IF(logical_test,if_true,if_false) : this function performs a simple logical test, you can use one of the following compare methods to create the logical test :
=AND(logical1,logical2...) : this function can perform up to 30 logical test and returns TRUE if ALL of the logical test returns TRUE, else it returns FALSE. =OR(logical1,logical2...) : this function can perform up to 30 logical test and returns TRUE if ONE of the logical test returns TRUE, else it returns FALSE. =NOT(logical) : this function will reverse the result from another logical function, and is often used to make it easier to understand the logical function. Examples:
Document last updated 2000-02-04 12:45:07 Printerfriendly version