These pages are no longer updated and are only available for archive purposes.Click here to visit the pages with updated information. Return every n-th itemThe custom function below will return every n-th item from a range.
This is an array function, and it's used like this:
Select the range you want the function to return its result to, e.g. B1:B10. Function INDEXN(InputRange As Range, N As Integer) As Variant ' returns every N-th item from InputRange ' select the desired target range for the function and ' enter as an array function with Ctrl+Shift+Enter. Dim ItemList() As Variant, c As Range, i As Long, iCount As Long i = 0 iCount = 0 ReDim ItemList(1 To InputRange.Cells.Count N) For Each c In InputRange i = i + 1 If i Mod N = 0 Then iCount = iCount + 1 On Error Resume Next ItemList(iCount) = c.Value On Error GoTo 0 End If Next c INDEXN = ItemList If InputRange.Rows.Count >= InputRange.Columns.Count Then INDEXN = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(INDEXN) End If Erase ItemList End Function
Document last updated 2000-02-05 12:44:52 Printerfriendly version