Remove missing PivotField items
2010-05-08 PivotTables 0 317
Sometimes when you refresh a PivotTable you might experience that the new datasource has one or more fields that no longer contain one or more items that was present in the previous datasource. These "ghost" PivotField items will still show up in the PivotFields dropdown menu. With the macro below you can update a PivotTable so that it no longer lists these missing PivotField items:
Sub RemoveMissingPivotFieldItems(pt As PivotTable) ' use it like this from another macro: RemoveMissingPivotFieldItems(ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)) Dim lngMIL As Long If pt Is Nothing Then Exit Sub With pt.PivotCache lngMIL = .MissingItemsLimit If lngMIL <> xlMissingItemsNone Then .MissingItemsLimit = xlMissingItemsNone On Error Resume Next .Refresh On Error GoTo 0 .MissingItemsLimit = lngMIL Else .Refresh End If End With End Sub