Workbook events
1999-08-21 Events 0 218
Events for the Workbook object occurs when the workbook is changed or a sheet in the workbook is changed. Events in workbooks are activated by default, but can be deactivated by a macro. To display the event procedures for a workbook you use the Visual Basic Editor.
Select the desired project in the Project-window and activate the object ThisWorkbook by doubleclicking it. Any event procedures in the workbook will now be displayed in the Code-window on the right side of the screen. You can create a new event procedure by selecting Workbook in the Object dropdown, and then select an event in the Procedure dropdown.
Macros can be attached to the following events in a workbook:
Activate AddinInstall AddinUninstall BeforeClose BeforePrint BeforeSave Deactivate NewSheet Open SheetActivate |
SheetBeforeDoubleClick SheetBeforeRightClick SheetCalculate SheetChange SheetDeactivate SheetSelectionChange WindowActivate WindowDeactivate WindowResize |
Private Sub Workbook_Open() Application.WindowState = xlMaximized End SubThis example eventmacro will prevent the user from activation other worksheets than the first worksheet, the procedure must be written in the workbook module ThisWorkbook:
Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object) Worksheets(1).Activate End Sub