Select file or folder names in Word
2000-02-04 Files & Folders 0 339
Word has not got the method GetOpenFileName that can be used to let a user select a file name or a folder. You can use the user defined function below:
Function WordApplicationGetOpenFileName(FileFilter As String, _ ReturnPath As Boolean, ReturnFile As Boolean) As String ' returns the folder and/or filename to a single user selected file Dim strFileName As String, strPathName As String If Not ReturnPath And Not ReturnFile Then Exit Function If FileFilter = "" Then FileFilter = "*.*" With Application.Dialogs(wdDialogFileOpen) .Name = FileFilter On Error GoTo MultipleFilesSelected If .Display = -1 Then strFileName = .Name End If On Error GoTo 0 End With On Error GoTo 0 ' remove any "-characters If InStr(1, strFileName, " ", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then strFileName = Mid$(strFileName, 2, Len(strFileName) - 2) End If If ReturnPath Then strPathName = CurDir & Application.PathSeparator Else strPathName = "" End If If Not ReturnFile Then strFileName = "" WordApplicationGetOpenFileName = strPathName & strFileName MultipleFilesSelected: End FunctionUse the function like this to return a complete folder and file name:
FullFileName = WordApplicationGetOpenFileName("*.doc", True, True)
Use the function like this to return the file name only:
FileNameOnly = WordApplicationGetOpenFileName("*.doc", False, True)
Use the function like this to return the folder name only:
FolderNameOnly = WordApplicationGetOpenFileName("*.*", True, False)