Add cells in a range from all worksheets in the workbook
1999-08-14 Sum 0 207
It's possible to achieve this with the built-in SUM()-function, but that can be a big task if the workbook contains many worksheets, or if you frequently add new worksheets to the workbook. To add a range from several worksheets you can use the SUM-function like this:
The formula above will add the range A1:A100 in the worksheets Sheet1 and Sheet10, including all worksheets between the two sheets in the workbook.
With the custom function below it's easy to add a range from all the worksheets in a workbook:
Function SumAllWorksheets(InputRange As Range, InclAWS As Boolean) As Double ' adds the content of InputRange in all worksheets in the workbook Dim ws As Worksheet, TempSum As Double Application.Volatile ' calculates every time a cell changes TempSum = 0 For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets If InclAWS Then ' include the active worksheet TempSum = TempSum + Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(ws.Range(InputRange.Address)) Else ' exclude the active worksheet If ws.Name <> ActiveSheet.Name Then ' not the active worksheet TempSum = TempSum + Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(ws.Range(InputRange.Address)) End If End If Next ws Set ws = Nothing SumAllWorksheets = TempSum End FunctionThe function is used in the same way as the built-in worksheetfunctions. In Excel 5/95 the variable InputRange must be defined as Variant instead of Range. The function can easily be adapted for use with other worksheetfunctions that you want to use on all the worksheets in a workbook.