Export to a HTML-file
1999-10-13 Import & Export 0 348
With the macro below you can export values or formulas from a worksheet range to a HTML-file:
Sub ExportRangeAsHTML(SourceRange As Range, TargetFile As String, _ TableSize As String, UseRangeColumnWidths As Boolean, _ TableBorderSize As Integer, CellPadding As Integer, _ CellSpacing As Integer, IncludeEmptyCells As Boolean) ' Exports the data in SourceRange to the textfile TargetFile in HTML format ' Example: ExportRangeAsHTML Range("A3:E23"), "C:\FolderName\HtmlText.htm", "", True, 1, 5, 0, True Dim A As Integer, r As Long, c As Integer, totr As Long, pror As Long Dim fn As Integer, LineString As String, tLine As String, CellColumnWidth As Long Dim BoldCell As Boolean, ItalicCell As Boolean, CellAlignment As Integer ' validate the input data if necessary If SourceRange Is Nothing Then Exit Sub If Len(TargetFile) = 0 Then Exit Sub If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(SourceRange) = 0 Then If Not IncludeEmptyCells Then Exit Sub End If On Error Resume Next Kill TargetFile On Error GoTo 0 If Len(Dir(TargetFile)) > 0 Then MsgBox TargetFile & " already exists, rename, move or delete the file before you try again.", vbInformation, "Export range to textfile" Exit Sub End If ' perform export On Error GoTo NotAbleToExport fn = FreeFile Open TargetFile For Append As #fn ' open textfile for new input On Error GoTo 0 ' determine the total number of rows to process totr = 0 For A = 1 To SourceRange.Areas.Count totr = totr + SourceRange.Areas(A).Rows.Count Next A ' start the HTML file Print #fn, "<html>" Print #fn, "<head>" Print #fn, "<meta name=""DESCRIPTION"" content=""Description of content"">" Print #fn, "<meta name=""KEYWORDS"" content=""Keywords"">" Print #fn, "<title>Range to HTML from " & ActiveWorkbook.Name & "</title>" Print #fn, "</head>" Print #fn, Print #fn, "<body>" Print #fn, "<h1>Range to HTML from " & ActiveWorkbook.Name & "</h1>" Print #fn, If TableSize = "" Then Print #fn, "<table border=""" & TableBorderSize & """ cellpadding=""" & CellPadding & """ cellspacing=""" & CellSpacing & """>" Else Print #fn, "<table border=""" & TableBorderSize & """ cellpadding=""" & CellPadding & """ cellspacing=""" & CellSpacing & """ width=""" & TableSize & """>" End If ' start writing the HTML-file pror = 0 For A = 1 To SourceRange.Areas.Count For r = 1 To SourceRange.Areas(A).Rows.Count If pror Mod 50 = 0 Then Application.StatusBar = "Writing the HTML-file " & Format(pror / totr, "0 %") & "..." End If Print #fn, " <tr>" For c = 1 To SourceRange.Areas(A).Columns.Count LineString = " " CellAlignment = 0 tLine = "" On Error Resume Next With SourceRange.Areas(A).Cells(r, c) tLine = Trim(.Text) BoldCell = .Font.Bold ItalicCell = .Font.Italic CellAlignment = .HorizontalAlignment End With On Error GoTo 0 If (tLine = "" Or tLine = " ") And IncludeEmptyCells Then tLine = " " If tLine <> "" Then LineString = LineString & "<td" If UseRangeColumnWidths Then CellColumnWidth = CLng(Cells(1, c + 1).Left - Cells(1, c).Left) LineString = LineString & " width=""" & CellColumnWidth & """" End If If CellAlignment = xlHAlignGeneral Then Select Case Asc(tLine) Case 45, 48 To 57 CellAlignment = xlHAlignRight End Select End If If CellAlignment = xlHAlignCenter Then LineString = LineString & " align=""center""" If CellAlignment = xlHAlignRight Then LineString = LineString & " align=""right""" LineString = LineString & ">" If BoldCell Then LineString = LineString & "<b>" If ItalicCell Then LineString = LineString & "<i>" LineString = LineString & tLine If ItalicCell Then LineString = LineString & "</i>" If BoldCell Then LineString = LineString & "</b>" LineString = LineString & "</td>" Print #fn, LineString End If Next c Print #fn, " </tr>" pror = pror + 1 Next r Next A ' end the HTML file Print #fn, "</table>" Print #fn, Print #fn, "</body>" Print #fn, "</html>" Close #fn ' close the targetfile NotAbleToExport: Set SourceRange = Nothing Application.StatusBar = False End Sub