These pages are no longer updated and are only available for archive purposes.Click here to visit the pages with updated information. Decide what an INPUTBOX is supposed to returnIf you want to get any information from the user you can use the INPUTBOX-function. This function displays a dialogbox that lets the user fill inn anything and returns the content as a string. Sometimes you want to decide what the user is supposed to fill in, instead of accepting any information. That's when you use the INPUTBOX-method : Sub DecideUserInput() Dim bText As String, bNumber As Integer ' here is the INPUTBOX-function : bText = InputBox("Insert in a text", "This accepts any input") ' here is the INPUTBOX-method : bNumber = Application.InputBox("Insert a number", "This accepts numbers only", , , , , , 1) MsgBox "You have inserted :" & Chr(13) & _ bText & Chr(13) & bNumber, , "Result from INPUT-boxes" End Sub The INPUTBOX-method has a third argument, Type, that decides what the user is allowd to insert in the INPUTBOX-dialog. Type can be one of the following :
Document last updated 2000-02-05 12:47:20