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How secure is the addin source code?

The source code in an addin is poorly protected against users that are determined to take a look at it. There are both (almost) free tools and commercial tools available that can "decompile" the addins (for all Office-applications). If you need one you only have to search the Internet. Maybe the source code protection is more reliable in the COM Add-Ins used by Office 2000?


Document last updated 1999-04-15 12:46:25

User comments:
Ole P. from Norway wrote (2005-02-23 12:09:53 CET):
Re: Thank You
This is explained in this document.
yudih setiawan from Indonesia wrote (2005-02-22 18:13:35 CET):
Thank You
Could you provide me a brief description how to protect securely my program from viewers in Excel Macro ?


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