ERLANDSEN DATA CONSULTING Excel & VBA Tips   Informasjon på norsk / Information in Norwegian


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About Ole P. Erlandsen

  • I have working experience as an economy consultant and IT consultant since 1989.
  • I have an education in economics and marketing from the Norwegian School of Marketing in Oslo, Norway.
  • I have been using Excel and the other Microsoft Office applications since 1989.
  • I have instructed people on how to use Excel and the other Microsoft Office-applications since 1990, I also have some experience with the Lotus SmartSuite-applications.
  • I have developed training courses in Excel for two schools in Oslo (ManpowerSkolen and Oslo Kommunes Opplæringssenter).




Document last updated 2001-02-16 12:43:55

Erlandsen Data Consulting   
Excel & VBA Tips   Copyright ©1999-2025    Ole P. Erlandsen   All rights reserved
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