ERLANDSEN DATA CONSULTING Excel & VBA Tips   Informasjon på norsk / Information in Norwegian


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Useful Tools

  • Find lost passwords
    Have you ever forgotten or lost your workbook protection passwords?
    This tool will in a relative short time find a password capable of unprotecting the locked workbook and/or worksheets (this password will probably not be the same as the original password).
    Have you forgotten the password you used to protect the file itself from being opened?
    This tool can help you find this password too, but this will probably take a very long time.
    This tool is not capable of unprotecting any VBprojects in a workbook.
    After unzipping the add-in and opening it you will find a new menu item in Excel where you also find some helpful information about this tool.
    Click here to download this tool.
    Updated: 2008-07-04 Requires: XL97 File size: 130 kB Protected project

  • Encrypt and decrypt Excel workbooks and ASCII text files.
    Do you have any secrets? Don't you trust the password protection in Excel?
    This add-in lets you encrypt the contents of all worksheets in a workbook or an ASCII text file with an encryption password. You will need the encryption password to decrypt the contents again.
    The encryption is not bulletproof, you will probably find a crypto expert with "unlimited" resources that could decrypt the contents.
    But don't come crying to me if you forget your encryption password, because I haven't got the necessary resources and the time required to decrypt the contents for you.
    Click here to download this tool.
    Updated: 2002-06-05 Requires: XL97 File size: 65 kB Protected project

  • CalcSpeed 4.0
    This general purpose utility is designed to calculate, compare and optimize calculation speed of MS Excel calculation models, algorithms and built-in MS Excel worksheet functions.
    It can also be used to compare speed between different CPUs, OS and MS Excel versions. Programmers can use it to optimize programming syntax of UDFs.
    The utility is based on Windows API Time Calls improving the most accurate MS Excel and VBA build-in time function resolutions up to 55 times.
    Designer: Eric Desart (Belgium)
    File size: 360 kB Click here to download this tool.
    Updated: 2001-07-01 Requires: XL5 File size: 360 kB

  • Transfer an e-mail address list from Excel to an Outlook folder
    This workbook lets you update any contact folder in Outlook with names and e-mail addresses from an Excel worksheet. Useful for people that needs to update a portable PC or the home office PC with e-mail addresses from work.
    Note! I've been told that one virus checker utility (PC-cillin 97, Lpt$vpn.518) does report that the files contain the "X97M_PAPA" macro virus. This is not true, the original files available for download does not contain any malicious virus code.
    Click here to download this tool.
    Updated: 2000-08-08 Requires: XL97 & OL97 File size: 48 kB Protected project

  • Simple Word document encryption
    Do you have any secrets? Don't you trust the password protection in Word?
    This template lets you encrypt the contents of a document with an encryption password. You will need the encryption password to decrypt the document contents again.
    The encryption is not bulletproof, you will probably find a crypto expert with "unlimited" resources that could decrypt the document.
    But don't come crying to me if you forget your encryption password, because I haven't got the necessary resources and the time required to decrypt the document for you.
    Click here to download this tool.
    Updated: 2000-08-01 Requires: WD97 File size: 49 kB Protected project


Document last updated 2008-07-04 22:01:46

User comments:
ECLG from Mexico wrote (2006-11-22 19:25:53 CET):
Only I want to thank you for these great tools.
Edwin from Venezuela wrote (2006-09-11 20:56:47 CET):
Re Can I?
Thank a lot.
Yes I do.
it´s a winderful site.

Ole P. from Norway wrote (2006-09-11 20:28:41 CET):
Re: Can I?
Yes you can, the terms of use of the available examples can be found here.
You are not allowed to include my examples in a commercial solution.
If you decide to use my material, a reference to the source (this site) would be appreciated :-)
Edwin Montero from Maracay, venezuela wrote (2006-09-11 00:54:01 CET):
Can I?
Hi, I´m Edwin Montero From Venezuela.
I think the add-in for Encript and Decript Workbooks is a wonderfull tool.
I need to know it's a freeware?
I am an Excel teacher. Can I include it in my tutorial cd?

Best regards
KJS from India wrote (2006-07-19 22:01:06 CET):
Re:Re: Password Tools
Thanks for reply. But when I try to unprotect the worksheet by using password "aaaab", it doesn't work. Why ? I can't understand. If the same worksheet can be opened using multiple passwords, then why the same sheet gets unprotected by using the "aaaab" password instead of "NSDL1234".

Ole P. from Norway wrote (2006-07-19 10:24:09 CET):
Re: Password Tools
The worksheet/workbook password protection is so simple that multiple passwords can be used to unlock the password protection.

E.g. if you protect a worksheet using the password "test", you can also unprotect it using the password "Dots".

The password tool usually works by using a brute force method and will return the first password it finds that can be used to unprotect the worksheet/workbook.
The returned password "aaaab" will be able to unprotect the worksheet/workbook protected with the password "NSDL1234".

K J S from wrote (2006-07-19 09:47:40 CET):
Password Tools

I have a sheet where all sheets and workbook is protected using a password "NSDL1234". When I use yours utility to unprotect all of them, it creates a new sheet containing the password for the protected sheets and workbook. But the password it gives is "aaaab", which is not correct. Why so ?
JPM from West Africa wrote (2006-02-22 13:39:17 CET):
Thanks a million!!!
Got caught with a FORGOT password, 2:30 is all it took!
Bill H. from UK wrote (2005-05-24 18:09:40 CET):
Thank you for your tool to find lost passwords
Many thanks for putting your FIND LOST PASSWORDS tool on your Web site for us to download. I appreciate very much your generosity.
Salil Gokhale from Gainesville, Florida wrote (2004-12-17 19:01:18 CET):
Bizarre Solution

Thought you might be interested in a bizarre solution that I came across, while tyring to solve my FTP example problem. (refer previous comments on your site, FTP example).

The solution is to launch 'Notepad' in the background, in addition to the FTP shell. The code now works smooth as syrup.

I have no idea why this works. You have much greater knowledge about this and thought that perhaps it is an issue with "ALT+TAB" or switching command between applications.

Thank you very much once again for all your example codes.


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