Send to and retrieve from Windows Clipboard

 2009-05-05    VBA programming    0    212

The procedures below can be used to send text and numbers to the Windows Clipboard They all require a reference to the Microsoft Forms 2.x Object Library.

Sub SendToClipboard(varItem As Variant)
' sends varItem to the Windows Clipboard as text
Dim objDO As DataObject
    Set objDO = New DataObject
    With objDO
        .SetText varItem
    End With
    Set objDO = Nothing
End Sub
Function GetFromClipboard() As Variant
' returns the current content from the Windows Clipboard
Dim objDO As DataObject
    Set objDO = New DataObject
    With objDO
        GetFromClipboard = .GetText
    End With
    Set objDO = Nothing
End Function
Sub ClearClipboardContent()
' clears the Windows Clipboard content
    SendToClipboard vbNullString
End Sub