Function for returning the user name
1999-08-16 Other 0 193
The function below will return the user name for the logged on user, works in both Windows NT and Windows95/98.
Public Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" _ Alias "GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long Function ReturnUserName() As String ' returns the NT Domain User Name Dim rString As String * 255, sLen As Long, tString As String tString = "" On Error Resume Next sLen = GetUserName(rString, 255) sLen = InStr(1, rString, Chr(0)) If sLen > 0 Then tString = Left(rString, sLen - 1) Else tString = rString End If On Error GoTo 0 ReturnUserName = UCase(Trim(tString)) End FunctionIf you don't want to return the network user name, but want to return the user name that the user has registered with the application you can do this:
ActiveUserName = Application.UserName